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# {*no-status title-slide custom-title} // comment - Author: - Supervisors: Rémi Emonet and Marc Sebban - Date:
## Outline - Metric Learning - Examples of Metrics - Mahalanobis distance - Bilinear similarity - Local Metric Learning - Convex Combinations of Local Models - Problem Formulation - Theoretical Guarantees - Applications and Results - Perceptual Color Distance Estimation - Semantic Similarity Estimation - Conclusion

Metric Learning

Optimization Problem with similar/dissimilar pairs

\mathrm{arg}\min\:\sum_{m,n} s_{mn}d_A(x_m,x_n) + \lambda \left \|A \right \|^2_F
s.t. \: \sum_{m,n} (1-s_{mn})d_A(x_m,x_n)\geq 1

where s_{mn} = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if } x_m, x_n \text{ are similar}\\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}

Metric Functions examples

Mahalanobis Distance

d_A(x_m,x_n) = \sqrt{(x_m-x_n)^TA(x_m-x_n)}
  • x_m,x_n two points
  • A = S^{-1} (S = covariance matrix)
  • A is Positive Semi-Definite (A\succeq0)
  • A = L^TL
  • d_A(x_m,x_n) = \sqrt{(x_m-x_n)^TL^TL(x_m-x_n)} = \sqrt{(L(x_m-x_n))^T(L(x_m-x_n))}

Metric Functions examples

given two points x_m, x_n

Cosine Similarity

d(x_m,x_n) = \frac{x_m x_n}{||x_m|| ||x_n||} = cos(\theta)

Bilinear Similarity

d_A(x_m,x_n) = x_m^TAx_n
## Global Metric Issues

Non-linearities and Multi-modalities

Huang, Yinjie, et al. "Reduced-rank local distance metric learning." in Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases 2013 ## Local Metric Learning

Which metric to use?

Local Metric Learning

  1. Kmeans clustering based on Euclidean distance
  2. Regression of metrics
    • K local metrics
    • 1 global metric
+ easy to learn
+ local metrics capture well the underlying geometry of the input space
- high risk of overfitting
- global metric is not enough accurate
Perrot Michaël, Amaury Habrard, Damien Muselet, and Marc Sebban. "Modeling Perceptual Color Differences by Local Metric Learning." In Computer Vision–ECCV 2014
## Outline - Metric Learning - Examples of Metrics - Mahalanobis distance - Bilinear similarity - Local Metric Learning - Convex Combinations of Local Models - Problem Formulation - Theoretical Guarantees - Applications and Results - Perceptual Color Distance Estimation - Semantic Similarity Estimation - Conclusion ## Convex Combinations of Local Metrics

Convex Combinations

* defined on a clusters' pair $(R_i,R_j)$ * described by a vector $W_{ij} \in \mathbf{R}^K$ representing
the influence of each local metric

$d_{ij}(x_m,x_n) \:=\: \sum_{z}W_{ijz}d_{M_z} (x_m,x_n)$

Convex Combinations of Local Metrics

Learning Process

KMeans based on Euclidean distance
between clusters' centers

Find M_z for each cluster

\mathrm{arg}\min_{M_z\succeq0}\:\frac{1}{n_z}\sum_{m,n \in C_z}\left \| d_{M_z}(x_m,x_n) - y(x_m,x_n) \right \| + \left \|M_z \right \|^2_F

Convex Combinations of Local Metrics

Learning Convex Combinations

\mathrm{arg}\min_W\: \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i,j}\sum_{(m,n) \in (C_i,C_j)} \left \| d_{ij}(x_m,x_n) - y(x_m,x_n) \right \| \:
+ \: \lambda_{1} D(W) + \: \lambda_{2} S(W)

d_{ij}(x_m,x_n) \:=\: \sum_{z}W_{ijz}d_{M_z} (x_m,x_n)
D(W): topological characteristics of the space's decomposition
S(W): correlation between vectors of weights

Regularization of the Optimization Problem

Topological Characteristics of the Space's Decomposition

D(W) = \sum_{i=1}^{Z}\sum_{j=1}^{i-1}\left \| E_{ij}.W_{ij} \right \|_{F}^2
E_{65} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 4 \\ 6 \\ 4 \\ 6 \\ 2 \\ 2 \\ 2 \\ 8 \\ ... \end{array} \right)

Regularization of the Optimization Problem

Correlation between Vectors of Weights

S(W) = \sum_{i=1}^{Z}\sum_{j=1}^{i}\sum_{{i}'=1}^{Z}\sum_{{j}'=1}^{{i}'}K_{ij{i}'{j}'}\left \| W_{ij} - W_{{i}'{j}'}\right \|_{2}^2

Theoretical Guarantees

Generalization Bound

difference between

true risk: R^l = \mathbb{E}_{p \sim \mathcal{Z}}\mathcal{l}(W,p)


empirical risk: \hat{R}^l = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{p \sim P}\mathcal{l}(W,p)

\left | R^l - \hat{R}^l \right | \leq \phi \left(\frac{\text{VC-dim}}{n}\right)
## Theoretical Guarantees

Algorithmic Robustness

Bellet Aurélien and Amaury Habrard. "Robustness and generalization for metric learning." Neurocomputing 151 (2015) ## Theoretical Guarantees with Mahalanobis Distances for any $\delta > 0$ with probability at least   $1-\delta$:
$ | R^l - \hat{R}^l | \leq$ $2 \left \|L \right \|_2 \gamma_1 + \gamma_2$ $+$ $B \sqrt{\frac{2H\ln2 + 2\ln{1/\delta}}{n}}$
with - $L$: $M_z = L^TL$ - $\gamma_1$: the radius of the regions defined on the input space - $\gamma_2$: the radius of the regions defined on the output space - $H$: number of regions defined on the input space - $n$: number of instances - $B$: the upper bound of the loss function

Applications and Results

Perceptual Color Distance

on RGB space

Applications and Results

Perceptual Color Distance Estimation


the set of points whose distance to the reference is less than the just-noticeable-difference threshold
can be seen as a set of Mahalanobis metrics

Applications and Results

Perceptual Color Distance Estimation

Generalization on unseen colors
Generalization on unseen cameras

Applications and Results

Semantic Similarity Estimation

Word Embedding computed using Hellinger PCA
Lebret Rémi and Ronan Collobert. "Word emdeddings through hellinger pca." arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.5542 (2013)
## Conclusion - Contributions - Enhancement of local metric approaches by learning Convex Combinations of Local Models - Derivation of Generalization Guarantees through the Algorithmic Robustness framework - Enhancement of Perceptual Color Distance Estimation and Semantic Similarity Estimation Work submitted to CVPR 2016 conference # Thanks for your attention

Convex Combinations of Local Metrics

Learning Convex Combinations

S(W) = \sum_{i=1}^{Z}\sum_{j=1}^{i}\sum_{{i}'=1}^{Z}\sum_{{j}'=1}^{{i}'}K_{ij{i}'{j}'}\left \| W_{ij} - W_{{i}'{j}'}\right \|_{2}^2
K_{ij,{i}'{j}'} = e^{-min(d_{i{i}'}+d_{j{j}'},d_{i{j}'}+d_{j{i}'})}

K_{56,77} = e^{-2}
K_{56,89} = e^{-9}

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